
Quotes and Proposals

Quickly find an analyte list in a regulation or method.
Quickly review any detailed regulatory requirements.
Review method summary information.
Cite the current promulgated method.
Quality Assurance Project Plans

Copy analyte lists/CAS numbers directly into QAPP.
Copy performance tables from methods.
Copy method summary information.
Compare to current regulatory requirements.
Standard Operating Procedure Development

Copy text from methods directly into SOP.
Copy analyte lists.
Copy performance tables.
Use most current promulgated methods.

QA Issues

Find obscure EPA policy statements, e.g.
— size of a bubble in a VOA vial
— triplicate mercury analyses.
Quickly find critical regulatory details.
Copy NELAC information for internal use.

Copy analyte lists directly.
— Method lists
— Regulatory lists
CAS Numbers / Analyte Names